Monday, February 5, 2018

I woke up to shots fired.

I stared at the ceiling before jumping out of bed to go to the window. The courtyard of rats roaming over garbage cans at night was filled with tenants and police two days later.

A young Puerto Rican named Dutch killed an older woman he was having sex with under the influence of Crack. Murder and suicide named the bodies brought out

Another childhood friend gone like Gonzo who hanged himself under the influence of distilled spirits and illegal drugs after his wife died from breast Cancer.

 Literally, it was back to the drawing table to become the captain of The USS Escapism.

I’m safe in my imagination where I’m a super hero

 As I stared at blank paper, flashes of gunshots illuminated my eyes and blood ran cold by the screams of girls in the courtyard. They screamed over and over again.


Mindlessly, I put on a feather filled blue vest and ran downstairs to the street swelling by mob and police followed by more police.

I looked into the eyes of a cop and he let me pass to the crime scene that was added to a Daily News list of children killed by guns in New York City. 

As the paramedics brought my little brother out of a building, his hand fell from the gurney and something broke. My hearing was gone in the middle of cries for God and Jesus in The South Bronx growing with mosques before 9/11 happened. 

In spite of traumatic shock to the system, I opened a passenger door to a cop car.

What are you doing, demanded an already alarmed officer.

This is the mother and brother of the kid shot, I said.

The officers drove them to Lincoln Hospital.

I looked into the crowd that was parted by the cops like Moses did to The Red Sea.

Where do I begin to piece together a report on why a kid was killed?

A drug dealer in dispute with another scumbag took out a gun.

Alvin was used as a human shield.

End of story.

At night, I drank by the shores of The East River where loamed Riker’s Island Prison and the bright lights of Queens, home to an enchanted female painter I was to love.

A slow boat carried crates that looked like coffins and dark muddy waters into The River Styx that flowed to the land of the dead. On a rooftop of a funeral parlor across the street to the building where Alvin dreamed, a restless trio of Pit Bulls merged by shadows into Cerberus who prevents lost souls from escaping The Underworld.

I loved mythology when I was a book-loving boy.

I stop short of making myth out of the mess of life

I had a photographic memory discovered by a third grade teacher at P.S 62.

I had suffered loss of memories by the ambush of a white supremacist that painted a portrait of Hitler in his dorm room with the door always open for all to see darkness.

I suffered by the persistence of memories.

I saw scenes of my life as I coughed blood into a respirator on the way to Lincoln Hospital. I recalled my toy rifle and toy guns. I recalled being shot at by real bullets while in a game of hide and seek with other kids.

We played in a child’s version of Apocalypse Now.  I became a terrorist on a Puerto Rican gang that carried on their colors the black and white of the Swastika. The thugs were called The Savage Skulls or The SS. They roamed with Doberman Pinchers.

We were kid solders and I was Capt America at home in burnt out buildings several blocks away from The Recruiting Station on Third Avenue.

I later went to enlist in The Air Force as a stepping-stone to outer space. In a tug of war with the flyboys, Marines told me I was Special Forces material.

They appealed to my vanity but I wanted go beyond blue skies.

For some of my friends, it was out of the frying pan and into a baptism of fire at Boot Camps of The United Armed Forces. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

I'm so talented I have no talent for making friends at school.

North Korea likes this movie thriller. It’s called Homeless Land


Starring Dennis Rodman as Bongo Macarthur, Geek Genius


War has come to The City Of Angels! The Farce Awakens!


See you at the Oscars, George!


Wink & XOXOLOL!!!



Saturday, September 20, 2014

Murals On Children’s’ Dreams In The South Bronx Of America And Beyond Borders


Once upon a time, I had a dream for The City That Never Sleeps…


It began with homework to draw tourists to The South Bronx.


My tour book ended in The Library, stories of our lives.


What’s mind is yours in The War Of Ideas.


Reading With The Stars by Dan Aponte


Book them, Dano.


Book them all.


http://teleeclectic.blogspot.comTele-eclectic Reinvention Copyrighted 2914


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My mother was fourth generation Artificial Intelligence who created androids.


She created my sister and I with the ability to dream.


We dream freedom from evil.


We dream movie.



Tuesday, September 16, 2014

So it begins AGAIN!

7 in the morning shades of autumn gold rise over South Bronx tour book to fin.


This is the launch of Parallel Parking on the Alternate Side of the Universe


“The end of exploring will be to arrive where we started


And know the place for the first time”


T.S Eliot


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Social Media has mutated my ego! It’s floating away into cyberspace!







I need your genius to help me realize what I was vaguely dreaming of creating.


 Together, we will go further where no human has ever gone before.


Join me on this bold enterprise of extraordinary ideas.


Comic Con 2014, here we come!


And no laugh track need apply.




Copyrighted by Danny Aponte


Why is China laughing?