Friday, December 19, 2014

I'm so talented I have no talent for making friends at school.

North Korea likes this movie thriller. It’s called Homeless Land


Starring Dennis Rodman as Bongo Macarthur, Geek Genius


War has come to The City Of Angels! The Farce Awakens!


See you at the Oscars, George!


Wink & XOXOLOL!!!



Saturday, September 20, 2014

Murals On Children’s’ Dreams In The South Bronx Of America And Beyond Borders


Once upon a time, I had a dream for The City That Never Sleeps…


It began with homework to draw tourists to The South Bronx.


My tour book ended in The Library, stories of our lives.


What’s mind is yours in The War Of Ideas.


Reading With The Stars by Dan Aponte


Book them, Dano.


Book them all.


http://teleeclectic.blogspot.comTele-eclectic Reinvention Copyrighted 2914


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My mother was fourth generation Artificial Intelligence who created androids.


She created my sister and I with the ability to dream.


We dream freedom from evil.


We dream movie.



Tuesday, September 16, 2014

So it begins AGAIN!

7 in the morning shades of autumn gold rise over South Bronx tour book to fin.


This is the launch of Parallel Parking on the Alternate Side of the Universe


“The end of exploring will be to arrive where we started


And know the place for the first time”


T.S Eliot